Sample of Christmas Letter of Thanks to Business Clients

Christmas Letter for Business Clients

Businesses don’t just have customers to look after, they also operate in a market where business to business relationships are crucial. Hence, while you make sure you stay in communication with your valued customers, you also need to cater to your business relationships.

Christmas presents a great opportunity for everyone to send greetings and best wishes and you should also be sending out Christmas letters of thanks to your business clients to let them know that you value and remember them.

Sample of Christmas Letter of Thanks to Business Clients

Dear Clients,

At XYZ Business we truly value our relationships and appreciate working together with businesses like yours to ensure mutual growth and success.

This year we saw a lot of gains and expanded our offices to two more locations. All of this could not have been possible without the support and hardwork of our teams and our clients.

Now, at the end of this year when all of us will be celebrating the spirit of Christmas, we are writing to you to wish you, all your team members and their families the very best and to let you all know how much we appreciate doing business with you.

Once again, thank you for your support and loyalty. We hope that the next year will be even more successful for all of us.

Best wishes,

James Turnwell
Business Development Manager
XYZ Business

Tips for Writing a Christmas Letter of Thanks to Business Clients

Unless you have a handful of clients you wish to write to, you should write one letter that will be sent to all your business clients.

The language of this letter needs to be as formal as possible because you will be sending it in an official capacity. It is also recommended that the letter is printed on your company’s letterhead and is enclosed in an official envelope.

Keep the letter brief because it is essentially needs to wish your clients well and thank them for their business.

Finally, try and send the letter out as soon as possible before offices officially close for the holidays.

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