Sample of Thank You Letter for Leave Approval

A thank you letter for leave approval, as the name suggests, is written in order to thank your organization, boss or the HR department for the fact that they considered your problem and allowed you to take a few days off even though there was a lot of workload.

In such cases one must be extremely thankful and the tone should not be informal. You must explain to your organization how you are extremely committed to work but you can’t because you genuinely have a problem. First thank them for allowing you to take off and then explain to them your problem again and when exactly you will be able to jump back to your normal routine.

Give them confirmation over the fact that you realize that there is a lot of workload and you are still willing to come back as soon as you will be able to.

Sample of Thank You Letter for Leave Approval


Mr. Alex Ferguson
House 411
Saint Smith Road

Ms. Jenna Clark
House 222
Drew Barry Shipyard

Dear Sir,

I am writing this letter to you in order to thank you for approving my leave and also to let you know that I have received your confirmation upon accepting my leave for three weeks. I must let you know that it meant a lot to me and it was extremely important for me to stay home and rest during this time period since I am suffering from a viral disease. I will make sure that in case I am able to walk before this time period, I report back to work and start helping my organization achieve its goals.

Thank you again for understanding my problem and letting me stay home for three weeks despite the hefty workload.


Jenna Clark.

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