Sample of Christmas Letter to Children

While writing a letter to your children during Christmas, make sure you give them lots of love and start off by greeting them with a Merry Christmas. Explain to them how much you miss them and you wish that they were with you. Moreover, reason with them over the fact that you cannot be there with them for whatever reason.

Sample of Christmas Letter to Children

John & Julie
Number 8 Private Drive
Nathan Road
Hill-view, CA

Dear children,

I am writing this letter to you to wish you a Merry Christmas. I hope this letter has found you in good health.

This is the first time that I am going to spend my Christmas without you. You know how your grandfather is not feeling well and I have to be away from home. I wish I could bring you two with me but it was extremely difficult for me to do so.

I hope you are not causing too much trouble for your father. He is a busy man and has never taken care of the house chores. You must not demand too much from him as he is not your mother and can’t cook you guys the things you need.

I am missing you both so much that I wish I could fly to your right away. However, my father is unwell at the moment and he needs me the most right now. Therefore, I can’t leave him like this so I hope you two understand and forgive me for not being there to be there for you in order to decorate the Christmas tree, like we always do.

Please do write me back as I am waiting to hear from you. I have sent you two the gifts which I got you from here alongside a card. Do let me know whether you both like gifts and John do not bug your little sister.

Time for me to go now, you two take good care of yourself and enjoy your Christmas Eve.

With lots of love,


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